Clergy Fellowship and Workshop

The Mental Well-being Clergy Fellowship and Workshop was held on March 23rd, 2023. During the fellowship, we focused on meditating on the word of God, led by the Bishop of the Diocese of Delhi. Ms Tamanna Ruth Edwards, an expert on Mental Well-being, oriented the clergy of the Diocese on the importance of good mental health for better social engineering of the community and its growth. The theme for the workshop was centred around two main topics:

a) Understanding Mental Health and Well-Being

b) Self-Care: How to take care of one's own Well-Being

The sessions aimed to build an understanding of what mental health and well-being mean, while addressing myths and facts regarding the subject. Furthermore, the sessions were designed to explore self-care practices for the participants, providing them with tools and techniques to care for their well-being.

Ms Tamanna Ruth Edwards leading the workshop


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