Annual Conventions

During the Lent period, annual conventions are organised in various churches, and from March 24th to 26th, 2023, Bishop Paul was the Convention Speaker at St. Michael and All Angels Church in Jangpura, Delhi. The theme of the convention, Discipleship, was appropriately chosen as the church stands as a witness of Christ's love for its neighbours. Discipleship is one of the central themes of Christianity, and the Bishop focused on the following three topics:

Day 1 - Invitation to Be a Disciple: Luke 14:15-24

Day 2 - Response to the Call of Discipleship: Luke 9:57-62

Day 3 - Cost of Discipleship: Luke 14:25-33

The Bishop's talks on these topics provided attendees with a deeper understanding of discipleship, its importance, and the responsibilities that come with it.


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Clergy Fellowship and Workshop